Thursday, June 2, 2011

A short escape

We recently went to Vegas (super fun trip) and G-Dawg and I each brought a book....Well I'm about 150+ pages and four months into The Girls with the Dragon Tattoo- I really have all the intentions of finishing this book, I just can't seem to not be able to not put it down. Anyway, G started reading The Hunger Games-I had no interest in even finding out what the book was about because he usually only reads books about zombies or sports. FF to yesterday, G says to me- you really should read this book, it's going to be the next Twilight. Katniss (the main character), apparently reminds him of our three year old K, and her little sister as our three year old this intrigued me and I decided to give it a shot. I started reading yesterday at about 8:30 pm (read about 4 hours) and couldn't wait to get the girls in bed tonight so that I could pick up where I left off (which was about halfway through the book). Only I couldn't wait until the girls were in bed, so as the girls watched an episode of Olivia, I read. As I drew the girls a bath, I read. While the girls bathed, I read (in close proximity to the bath tub). I then followed our normal bed time routine I poured a bowl (ok, I really had two) of Lucky Charms and dove back into The Hunger Games. Three hours later, I finished and I have to say...I loved it. It made me tear up, it made me laugh, I feared having nightmares, I couldn't put it down and couldn't wait to finish it. G says he's bringing home book 2 tomorrow...Catching Fire. Although, now we have to fight over who gets to read it first....good thing he works tomorrow night, which gives me an edge. So I'm not going to recap the book...but just wanted to share that I really liked it and can't wait for the next two books. 

Potty training update- K only peed in her pull-up once all day (she even stayed dry through her nap at daycare). A pooped in her pull-up- but never peed (even through nap) 

Yay- today was a good day. :) 

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